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Ellsworth, Wis.The safety and well-being of employees and members is a priority for Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS).  That dedication to safety was recently recognized when the cooperative received a No Lost Time Accident Award from Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange.


PPCS has had no lost time accidents since September 2014 – that’s over five years, or 250,807 employee-hours.


“We are very proud of the culture of safety that has been developed at our cooperative,” said Nate Boettcher, PPCS president and CEO.  “This type of achievement is only possible when every employee takes responsibility not only for his or her own safety, but that of co-workers.”


The cooperative participates in regular safety education, equipment inspections and “close-call” debriefings to keep all employees focused on safety.  PPCS also has a safety committee responsible for reviewing safety standards and bringing any concerns forward to management.