Incorporated: April 1937
First Energized: June 1938
Director Districts: 9
Employees: 39
Full time: 38
Part-time: 1
Total Members: 7,301
Total Accounts: 7,967
Residential & Farm: 7,204
Commercial & Industrial: 600
Public Authorities: 41
Irrigation: 14
Total Miles of Line in Service: 1,364
Overhead: 634
Underground: 711
Accounts per Mile of Line: 5.7
Distribution Substations: 12
Financial Facts:
Net Investment in Physical Plant: $62,786,480
Total Assets: $86,719,182
Equity % of Total Assets: 28.1%
Capital Credit Retirements in 2023: $0.8 million
Capital Credit Retirements through 2023: $17.0 million
Electric Power:
Purchased: 127.8 million kWh
Sold: 125.6 million kWh
Power Supplier:
Dairyland Power Cooperative
Most of Pierce County and parts of Pepin, St. Croix and Buffalo counties in west central Wisconsin.

Data as of November 2024.