PPCS offers both general education scholarships and an electrical line worker scholarship. Our statewide organization, Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA), also provides general education scholarships. These scholarships are all available to graduating high school seniors. Federated Youth Foundation, Inc., which is funded by forfeited capital credits, offers a scholarship to a pre-law or law student who has an interest in cooperative law.
The Federated Youth Foundation, Inc. will award the fourth Charles Van Sickle Scholarship in 2025. The $5,000 scholarship will be awarded to a pre-law or law student who has an interest in cooperative law. The scholarship is made possible by an endowment established in 2013 to honor Wisconsin’s renowned electric cooperative lobbyist and attorney, the late Charles Van Sickle. The scholarship will be awarded during the Spring 2024 semester.
Submit the application and accompanying documents by April 1, 2025 to:
Federated Youth Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 148
Baraboo, WI 53913

PPCS offers an Electrical Line Worker Scholarship to assist an individual interested in a career in the electric power industry as a line worker. PPCS will award a $1,000 scholarship to an individual pursuing post-secondary education in an electrical line worker (electrical power distribution) program. Applicant must be a graduating senior from a high school within PPCS’ service area. PPCS members and nonmembers are eligible. Applicant must complete an application and submit an essay titled “Why I want to be an Electrical Line Worker.” The deadline is March 14, 2025.
An electrical line worker will install, maintain, and repair power lines and equipment, including climbing poles or operating aerial lift devices to work on overhead lines or digging trenches to install underground electric cable. This may be your career if you enjoy working outdoors and problem-solving with your head and hands.
Mail scholarship application to:
Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services
Attn: Line Worker Scholarship
PO Box 420
Ellsworth WI 54011-0420
Contact us.
PPCS and Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) have teamed up to host an electrical safety poster contest. The contest is open to all third graders in Pierce and Pepin Counties. Entries must be submitted to PPCS by April 30, 2025.
PPCS will award prizes to the top three winners $40, $30, and $25 gift cards, respectively. Ten runners-up will receive a $10 gift card. Plus, teachers of the students winning first, second, and third place will each receive a $50 gift card for their classrooms.
PPCS will forward the top three posters created by children of PPCS members to WECA for judging.WECA will award a $25 gift card to the top PPCS poster. They will also award the following prizes from all the state-wide submissions:
1st place - Chromebook
2nd place - $100 Gift Card
3rd place - $75 Gift Card
- Free entry
- One entry per 3rd-grade student
- The poster must be themed around Electrical Safety
- No computer-generated images will be accepted
- The poster should be at least 8.5x11 inches but no larger than 11x14 inches.
- Entries must include a completed entry form
- The student's name, address, and parent(s) name must be written on the back of the poster
- Entries must be submitted to PPCS at W7725 US Highway 10, Ellsworth, WI 54011, no later than April 30, 2025
By entering the contest, each contestant and/or parent/guardian agrees that the submission is the artist’s original work and consents to the use of the artist’s first and last name and artwork in publications, exhibits, displays, social media, and websites, as determined by the local electric cooperative and the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association. The original drawing/artwork will not be returned to the participant.
High school seniors are encouraged to enter the Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS) Scholarship Essay Contest. The three top essays will each be awarded a $1,000 scholarship. Scholarships are paid to winning students upon presentation of proof of registration at any accredited college, university, or technical school in any state.
Carefully read the scholarship contest rules. Essays must be postmarked by February 15, 2025, and will be selected by a three-judge panel.
Mail PPCS scholarship applications to:
Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services
Attn: Scholarship
PO Box 420
Ellsworth WI 54011-0420
Contact us.