On-site or Distributed Generation (DG) is the process of generating electricity at or near the point of use. PPCS supports DG as a viable and sound means of meeting electric needs of various consumer groups. The cooperative has actively participated in the administrative development of DG throughout Wisconsin. Examples of DG include solar energy and wind-powered systems. At Pierce Pepin, our mission is to protect the safety of cooperative personnel and members, maintain the integrity and reliability of the grid, and establish mechanisms to ensure rate equity for all members. Because DG systems can affect the safety and reliability of the distribution system, we have developed technical interconnection rules that address those safety and reliability impacts. These rules ensure that we can continue to provide you and all other members with safe and reliable electric service.
Load Management
Members with DG systems can also participate in PPCS' load management program. Members are allowed a maximum of two off-peak meters on an account with net metering (DG system); however, the off-peak meters must be wired in parallel and not as subtractive meters. This work should be done by a qualified electrician.

The documents below are in PDF format. Contact us with questions about the forms or process. Submit completed forms via email to info@piercepepin.coop.
DG Process Overview DG Process Flowchart DG Standard Application DG Interconnection Agreement
DG Commissioning Checklist DG Wiring Compliance Certificate DG Technical Diagrams (Metering) Subtractive OP Explanation Drawing
Ways to Save
Wisconsin Focus on Energy Program: Financial incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. www.focusonenergy.com
DG Analysis Tools
Use the documents below to learn more about installing a solar/PV system or small wind system. These documents are in PDF format.
Considerations for Adding a Solar/PV System
10 Steps to a Small Wind System
Additional Renewable Energy Resource
http://www.energy.gov/energysources/solar.htm (US Department of Energy)
https://www.midwestrenew.org/ (Midwest Renewable Energy Association)
http://www.wisconsindr.org/ (Wisconsin Distributed Resources Collaborative)