Each summer, PPCS provides opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills and learn about the cooperative business model through participation in  the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) Youth Leadership Congress and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) National Youth Tour.  Students who participate in YLC are also eligible to compete for scholarships through PPCS and WECA.

*Scholarship forms will be available later in the summer*


    The WECA Youth Leadership Conference (YLC) is a dynamic three-day event for youth across Wisconsin to develop their leadership skills and learn about cooperative business' purpose, operation, and scope. For over 50 years, YLC has provided an excellent opportunity for students to learn about cooperatives and then apply these time-tested principles in their own lives. YLC is planned and developed by a youth board elected at the previous year's event.

      WHEN & WHERE

      YLC will be held July 15-17, 2025 at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, Wisconsin.  

      Students living with their parent(s)/guardian(s) who are active members of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS) have the opportunity to compete in scholarship essay contests through PPCS and WECA.

      WHO CAN GO?

      Open to high school students entering their junior or senior year from the following school districts:

      Durand          Plum City 
      Elmwood       Prescott
      Ellsworth       River Falls      
      Pepin            Spring Valley


      PPCS sponsors students to the YLC and pays the cost of transportation, registration, room, and meal fees.

      Registration deadline is May 31, 2025.

      YLC Flyer       YLC Application


      PPCS offers a high school junior an opportunity to attend the NRECA Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. 

      WHAT IS IT?

      The Youth Tour has brought high school students to Washington, D.C., for a week in June every year since the late 1950s. Students see their nation’s capital up close, learn about the political process, and interact with their elected officials.

      Students gain a personal understanding of American history and their role as citizens by meeting their representatives and Senators. While student groups are organized at the state level, they all come together for Youth Day, where they meet each other and hear featured speakers who provide insight into electric cooperatives' essential roles in their communities.

      WHO CAN GO?

      Students who have attended the Youth Leadership Conference and been elected to the Youth Board are eligible to participate in the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour.


      There is no cost to the student other than spending money for incidentals and souvenirs.  PPCS pays the cost of transportation, registration, room, and meal fees.


      Students must attend the Youth Leadership Conference and be elected to the Youth Board.  


      Give us a call at 800-924-2133, ext. 151.



      Every year, PPCS sponsors up to six campers, ages 8 to 14, to the Wisconsin Farmers Union Kamp Kenwood on Lake Wissota near Chippewa Falls, Wis. PPCS pays all camp and membership fees. Children of PPCS electric members not sponsored in the prior year are eligible. Campers enjoy hiking, swimming, arts and crafts, drama, games, and the co-op camp store.

      More information about the camp is available by calling 800-272-5531 or through the link below.  To register, contact the cooperative at 715-273-4355, ext. 151, or email clubich@piercepepin.coop.


      Learn more 

      Youth Program Videos