Telephone: 715-273-4355 | Outages: 800-927-5705

Start, Stop or Transfer Service


Welcome to PPCS! 

By signing up for electric service, you also become a cooperative member.  Our members share more than electricity. They share the same principles. That’s because our electric co-op is located in the communities we power, and we work hard to help everyone Live Better.


To start new service with us, please complete our online application:

Electric Service Application

You may also be required to provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of a valid state-issued ID may be required for each person to be listed on the account if additional verification is necessary.
  2. Documentation stating you own or lease the residence may be required if additional verification is necessary.

All new accounts require a completed application with a signature. This application will be sent to you electronically.

To finalize the account, the following charges may apply:

  1. Security deposit. A deposit may be required before service is transferred if the credit for any type of service does not meet the cooperative's standards.

A security deposit may be reduced or waived based on your payment history from the past 12 consecutive months of service. A member must have no more than two late payments, no NSF checks, and was never disconnected for nonpayment of service to waive or reduce the security deposit.  It may also be reduced or waived if the member elects to sign up for our PowerNow! with Prepay program or Auto-pay program and remains on the program for a minimum of 12 months.

If you have questions or need assistance with the application, please contact us at 800-924-2133.

Additional Authorized Representatives

PPCS employees can only discuss memberships information and energy accounts with persons who have signed the membership agreement. For instance, if a married couple files a membership application with only one spouse named, PPCS will only discuss information with the person named on the application. If you would like to permit PPCS employees to discuss your membership or account information with another trusted person, please complete and return the Additional Authorized Representatives form to PO Box 420, Ellsworth, WI 54011.

Additional Authorized Representatives

1. New Service Request
PPCS will complete a New Service Request upon notification of new construction. We request that you review the New Construction Checklist and complete the New Construction Worksheet and submit it to or mail to PO Box 420, Ellsworth, WI 54011, to begin the new construction process. You will be required to provide a site plot with the meter location. Once your site information is received and confirmed in our system, PPCS staff will contact you to complete a membership application before PPCS will connect your electric service.

*Note: For construction companies registering new construction as a business, a membership application is required for each new construction site that will be an individual electric account.

2. Application for Membership and Electric Service
A membership application must be completed before the electric service is connected.  We encourage you to thoroughly review the Electric Service Terms and Conditions and contact our office with any questions.  You may also designate additional persons who have your permission to discuss your account by filling out the Additional Authorized Representatives form and forwarding it to our office.

3. Right-of-Way Easement
PPCS will provide you with a Right-of-Way Easement form that must contain the complete legal description of the property, the easement granted, and the notarized signature(s) of the appropriate landowner(s). 

4. New Services Fees
New service fees are based on the type of service you will require–permanent service,  temporary construction service, or a security light pole. Please refer to the New Service Handbook by clicking on the brochure at right for specific information.  The New Service handbook also includes information about:

  • Checklist for New Electric Service

  • Commercial/Industrial Service

  • Meter Socket Installation

5. Wiring & Metering Requirements
PPCS has specific wiring and metering requirements.  Please refer to the PPCS Metering Requirements below for information on meter installation and the wiring diagram which illustrates the correct installation of the current transformer (CT) sub-metering of off-peak electric.

PPCS Metering Requirements  PPCS Wiring Diagram 

6. Electrical Inspection

PPCS' Electrical Inspection Certificate is available online for completion by local electrical inspectors.  Click on the link above and forward the completed certificate to Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services at PO Box 420, Ellsworth, WI 54011-0420.

Electrical Inspection Certificate/Wiring Affidavit

New Service Handbook


To transfer service with us, please complete our online application:

Transfer Service Application

You may also be required to provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of a valid state-issued ID may be required for each person to be listed on the account if additional verification is necessary.
  2. Documentation stating you own or lease the residence may be required if additional verification is necessary.

To finalize the service transfer, the following charges may apply:

  1. Security deposit. A deposit may be required before service is transferred if the credit for any type of service does not meet the cooperative's standards.

A security deposit may be reduced or waived based on your payment history from the past 12 consecutive months of service. A member must have no more than two late payments, no NSF checks and was never disconnected for nonpayment of service to waive or reduce the security deposit.  It may also be reduced or waived if the member elects to sign up for our PowerNow! with Prepay program or Auto-pay program and remains on the program for a minimum of 12 months.

If you have questions, or need assistance with the application, please contact us at 800-924-2133.

We're sorry to see you go! 

A member can stop service by contacting the Member Relations department through the following methods:

  1. By calling 800-924-2133
  2. In person at our office, W7725 U.S. Highway 10, Ellsworth, Wisconsin
  3. If renting, your landlord must also contact PPCS to confirm that the service can be stopped.

Per the Terms of Service with PPCS, members must notify the Cooperaive of the termination of service with a minimum of one week's notice. If the property is sold, members must provide a copy of the closing or settlement statement with the new owner's information so that a transfer of service can be made. If service is to a rental property, members must notify the Cooperative of the ending date of service with a minimum of one week's notice. Members are responsible for all usage and charges up to the provided disconnect date.

We encourage you to provide your forwarding address.

We want to ensure you receive future capital credit retirements and any other benefits you are entitled to.

After service is ended, a member can expect:

  1. Applicable deposit funds are applied to the final bill
  2. After the account is final, any account credit will be issued by check within 3-4 weeks

Remember to contact PPCS whenever you change addresses.  You may be entitled to a capital credit refund in the future and we won't be able to reach you unless we have your current address on file.