Pierce Pepin Cares Awards Grants to Local Non-Profits
Pierce Pepin Cares, the charitable arm of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS), made its first donations to local non-profit programs recently. Pierce Pepin Cares is funded by PPCS members who round up their monthly bills to the nearest dollar through Operation Round Up®, as well as direct donations. PPCS employees hosted a soup/chili contest and donation event at the end of February and raised over $800 for Pierce Pepin Cares.
The Pierce Pepin Cares board approved grants to the following organizations:
Basics for Local Kids $2,000
Ellsworth Area Ambulance Service $1,700
Spring Valley Seniors Staying Put $1,000
Friends of Ellsworth Public Library $2,500
Grants were also awarded through Federated Youth Foundation to Friends of the Ellsworth Public Library in the amount of $2,500 and Foundation for Rural Housing in the amount of $719.
“We are excited to launch our charitable foundation, Pierce Pepin Cares,” said Nate Boettcher, PPCS’ president and CEO. “It will allow us to expand even further the cooperative’s mission to show concern for community and support programming that positively affects all citizens in Pierce and Pepin counties. We are extremely thankful for the generosity of our members who participate in Operation Round Up, as well as the employees who raised funds for Pierce Pepin Cares.”
Pierce Pepin Cares provides charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations that offer programs and support projects to enhance the quality of life for those within the communities served by PPCS. Pierce Pepin Cares grants are awarded quarterly by the Pierce Pepin Cares board of directors. All nine PPCS directors serve on the Pierce Pepin Cares board of directors along with one PPCS member and one PPCS employee. Nonprofit organizations interested in applying may visit www.piercepepin.coop or call 800-924-2133 for information. The next application deadline is June 15.