Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services members are helping stock Pierce and Pepin County food shelves through the co-op’s Operation Round Up program. At their October meeting, the PPCS board awarded $12,000 in grants to eight food pantries, each received $1,500—Pierce County Food Pantry, Elmwood Food Pantry, Plum City Food Pantry, Prescott Area Food Shelf, River Falls Food Pantry, Spring Valley Community Food Pantry, Pepin County Food Pantry and Pepin-Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran-Food Pantry.
The impact of cash donations to the food pantries is substantial. On a dollar-for-dollar conversion, for every $1 donated they can obtain up to $7 in food purchases for the pantries.
“Local food shelves do a tremendous job helping those in need put food on the table, often with few resources themselves,” said Nate Boettcher, Pierce Pepin’s president and CEO. “The holidays can be an especially difficult time, but this year, as we struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are especially worried about families being financially stressed. Our board acted to make these timely donations on behalf of Pierce Pepin members.”
Pierce Pepin members fund Operation Round Up by rounding up their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month or donating a specific dollar amount. The program provides charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations that offer programs and support projects to enhance the quality of life for those within the communities served by the cooperative.
Operation Round Up grants are awarded quarterly by the Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services Board of Directors. Nonprofit organizations interested in applying may visit www.piercepepin.coop or call 800-924-2133 for information. The next application deadline is December 15.