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Three local non-profits received third-quarter grants from Pierce Pepin Cares, the charitable foundation of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS). The Pierce Pepin Cares board approved $5,000 in grants to River Valley Charities, Staying Put, Inc., and the Kinne-Englehart American Legion Auxiliary Unit #204. Pierce Pepin Cares is funded by PPCS members who generously round up their monthly energy bills to the nearest dollar through Operation Round Up® and direct donations.

River Valley Charities received a $2,000 grant to support its food voucher program for families in need throughout Pierce County. The vouchers enable families to purchase fresh produce, eggs, and milk at local grocery stores, promoting access to nutritious food and supporting childhood development and academic performance.

Staying Put, Inc. plans to use its $2,000 grant to purchase new laptop computers, desktop monitors, and connectivity equipment. These resources will enhance their capacity to serve the Spring Valley and Elmwood Wisconsin School Districts, providing essential services and activities for seniors and adults with disabilities in rural areas and improving their quality of life.

The Kinne-Englehart American Legion Auxiliary Unit #204 received its $1,000 grant to provide financial assistance to veterans in Pierce County. The funds will support veterans by providing gift cards for gas, food, and household needs through the County Veteran Service Office, helping to meet essential needs.

“PPCS members who participate in Operation Round Up make these grants possible,” said PPCS president and CEO Nate Boettcher. “Individually, members contribute just a few cents each month, but collectively, these donations provide significant support to local non-profits. We are grateful that over 70 percent of our members support our community by participating in Operation Round Up.”