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Sharlene Kreye is Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services’ Live Better Community Service Award winner for the fourth quarter of 2021. Kreye received the award and a $100 Visa® gift card on October 7 for her generous work volunteering in the Ellsworth community.

Kreye is an active volunteer at the Pierce County Food Shelf, coordinates the Blood Mobile through the Red Cross, is president of the Ellsworth Lions Club and active with youth groups at her church. 

A retired nurse who worked for the Ellsworth School District for many years, Kreye has remained very active in the community with her volunteerism. She credits her husband of 37 years who is also a member of the Ellsworth Lions Club. 

“Chuck is always there for me,” said Kreye. “He helps with activities and keeping up with the home when I am busy.”  In her spare time, Kreye enjoys spending time with her family and friends, especially her six grandchildren (her latest was born on October 7). She also enjoys her flower gardens and singing in choirs at her church.

In nominating Kreye, Joyce Koller said, “Sharlene is active in many things; I am sure that she does more than I know about.” PPCS Member Relations Manager Jay Nesseth agreed, “Sharlene is very active in the community. If you were to ask her for anything, chances are she would find a way and the people to get it done.”

Kreye said she is inspired by this quote from Pope Francis, “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is … Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.” Kreye plans to use her $100 award to purchase personal hygiene products for the Food Pantry of Pierce County.

Congratulations, Sharlene, and thank you for using your talents to make a difference in our community!

Nominate a Volunteer for the Live Better Community Service Award

Nominate a volunteer from the communities within our service area by completing the nomination form available at under My Community or contact the office at 800-924-2133. The deadline for the first quarter 2022 award is December 15, 2021.