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Amy Engedal is Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services’ Live Better Community Service Award winner for the first quarter of 2020. Engedal received the award and a $100 Visa® gift card on January 27 for her generous work volunteering as a Victim Response Advocate (VRA) with the St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).


As a VRA, Engedal is responsible for managing their 24-hour crisis line for 6-8 hours at a time, multiple times each month. She takes calls from law enforcement, hospital providers, sexual assault victims, friends and family, etc. It is her role to provide information, referrals and advocacy to those calling. Most of these calls come from people who need a sexual assault exam, in which case it is Engedal’s responsibility to set up the exam and then respond in person to advocate for the sexual assault victim. During these exams, typically lasting two to four hours, Engedal works one-on-one, providing emotional support to the victim and making sure his/her voice is heard.

Since September of 2016, Engedal has donated over 1,200 hours. She joined SART at the beginning of her college career at University of Wisconsin-River Falls where she graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work in May 2019.  In her spare time, Engedal enjoys spending time with friends and family.


“We are incredibly grateful for Amy’s passion to serve victims of domestic violence,” said Ashley Bredeson, former SART advocacy and outreach coordinator, “and her unwavering support of those suffering from violence.”


Congratulations, Amy, and thank you for truly making a difference!


Nominate a Volunteer for the Live Better Community Service Award

Nominate a volunteer from the communities within our service area by completing the nomination form available at under Community or contact the office at 800-924-2133. The deadline for the second quarter award is March 15, 2020.